In-Plane Compressive Deformation of Honeycomb Structure in Consideration of Work-Hardening Effect (1st Report, Numerical Investigation)

  • CHEN Dai-Heng
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
  • OGAWA Takuya
    元 : 東京理科大学大学院工学研究科
  • OZAKI Shingo

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Other Title
  • 加工硬化特性を考慮したハニカム材の面内圧潰変形(第1報,数値解析的検討)
  • カコウ コウカ トクセイ オ コウリョシタ ハニカムザイ ノ メンナイ アツカイ ヘンケイ ダイ1ポウ スウチ カイセキテキ ケントウ
  • 1st Report, Numerical Investigation
  • 第1報, 数値解析的検討

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In this paper, the crushing behaviour of hexagonal honeycomb structures with finite widths and heights subjected to in-plane compressive loading is studied by using the finite element method. It is found that stress-strain curves are clasiffied roughly into two types, which include both symmetric and asymmetric modes. They are influenced by ratio of thickness of cell wall, ratio of the work-hardening, and ratio of the yield stress. In addition, it is revealed that the deformation mechanism of the honeycomb structure with the finite width and the height can be explained by the unit model proposed by Klintworth (1988), even if the effect of the work-hardening is considered.



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