Motivation of Punishment Aversion Enhances Detection of Error

  • Kamei Mio
    Ritsumeikan university, Graduate school of Sport and Health Science
  • Sakuma Haruo
    Ritsumeikan university, Department of Sport and Heath Science

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  • 罰回避の動機づけはエラーの検出を高める
  • 罰回避の動機づけはエラーの検出を高める : 罰の効果と行動賦活系システムの関係に着目して
  • バツ カイヒ ノ ドウキズケ ワ エラー ノ ケンシュツ オ タカメル : バツ ノ コウカ ト コウドウ フカツケイ システム ノ カンケイ ニ チャクモク シテ
  • ―罰の効果と行動賦活系システムの関係に着目して―
  • ―Focusing on Relation between Punishment Effect and Individual Behavioral Activation System―

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Awareness of failure is essential for efficient motor learning. We verified the effect of motivation using monetary reward and punishment on internal performance monitoring (PM) activity by assessing correct response negativity (CRN) and error-related negativity (ERN) to evaluate enhanced detection of error. Twenty healthy participants performed cognitive tasks under the reward-approach (RAP) condition, wherein a reward was provided for every correct trial, and the punishment-avoidance (PAV) condition, in which a fine was imposed for every error trial. We applied a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and behavioral activation system (BAS) scale presenting a personality state of approach and avoidance toward reward and punishment. The ERN was greater in the PAV condition than that in the RAP condition. The physiological source of error related activation (ERN-CRN) was the cingulate cortex using standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA). In addition, the physiological source in the background of the ERN increase under the PAV condition was the orbitofrontal cortex. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation (r=-0.497) between the increase in ERN (ΔERN=ERNPAV-ERNRAP) and BAS scale score (the tendency to approach the reward). These results confirm that PM activity related to detection of error in the orbitofrontal cortex was increased by punishment. Moreover, the increase in PM activity in the error trial tends to decrease for a subject with a high tendency to approach the reward.



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