Characteristics of Delusional Ideation in High School Students Investigated by Japanese PDI (Peters et al. Delusions Inventory)

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  • 高校生における妄想的体験の特徴
  • 高校生における妄想的体験の特徴 : 日本語訳PDIによる調査
  • コウコウセイ ニ オケル モウソウテキ タイケン ノ トクチョウ : ニホンゴ ヤク PDI ニ ヨル チョウサ
  • ―日本語訳PDIによる調査―

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This study is intended as an investigation of characteristics of delusional ideation in high school students by using Japanese PDI (Peters et al. Delusions Inventory) translated by Yamazaki et al. The questionnaire was administered to 328 high school students. The following characteristics were examined: PDI scores, distress rates, preoccupation rates, and conviction rates. The average PDI score of girls showed significantly higher than that of the boy's score. The average of second and third year students PDI score showed significantly higher than that of first year students. The average PDI score of high school students was significantly lower than that of Japanese university students and schizophrenic patients and normal adults in the UK. Regarding the delusion experience rate, the rates of second year and third year students were significantly higher than those of first year students, but a significant difference in the rates between boys and girls was not found.


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