

  • Butyltin Contamination in Marine Mammals
  • ブチルスズ カゴウブツ ニ ヨル カイセイホニュウドウブツ ノ オセン



For understanding organotin accumulation in marine mammals, the present study determined the concentrations of butyltins (BTs) in various tissues and organs and described their pattern with sex, age and geographical factors. Both cetaceans and pinniped showed higher BTs concentrations in the liver among various tissues and organs. In addition, noticiable high concentrations were found in the hair of pinniped, indicating possible excretion of BTs through shedding. BTs composition in mammals and their prey organisms suggested that pinniped had a stronger capacity to degrade BTs rather than cetacean. No age trend of BTs concentrations was observed in pinniped, while cetaceans showed increasing levels in immature growth stage. Comparing butyltin concentrations in various marine mammals, cetaceans retained higher butyltin concentrations than pinnipeds. The above specific accumulation patterns found in marine mammals are probably attributable to the lower breakdown capacity of BTs in cetaceans and the significant excretion of BTs through shedding in pinnipeds. Unlike organochlorines, comparable residue levels of butyltins were found in male and female of marine mammals. Such a trend suggested that butyltins are less transferable through gestation and lactation from mother to fetus/pup. On a global view of butyltin contamination in marine mamals, residue levels were prominent in the coastal water of developed nations. The present contamination by BTs may pose a toxic threat to some coastal species of cetaceans.


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