

  • <b>Feed Rice Production using Direct Seeding with Iron-coated Seeds: </b><b>A Case study of Family-managed Farming in Otsu City </b>
  • 鉄コーティング直播を利用した飼料米生産の可能性の実証 : 滋賀県大津市の家族経営農家を事例に
  • テツ コーティング ジカマキ オ リヨウ シタ シリョウ ベイ セイサン ノ カノウセイ ノ ジッショウ : シガケン オオツシ ノ カゾク ケイエイ ノウカ オ ジレイ ニ
  • Feed Rice Production using Direct Seeding with Iron-coated Seeds: A Case study of Family-managed Farming in Otsu City
  • ―滋賀県大津市の家族経営農家を事例に―



In this case study, a farmer in Otsu city produces rice for use as feed. He uses iron-coated rice seeds sown directly into a paddy field, and the study compares the results of this method to that of transplantation, in terms of costs, work plan, and profitability. Direct seeding with iron-coated seeds reduced the number of working hours and evened out the amount of work during busier times. In addition, it was found that if chicken droppings were used as fertilizer, the overall costs would decrease: both chicken droppings and one-shot fertilizer made a big difference, in terms of harvest yield. Seeding with an unmanned helicopter was also found to minimize working hours effectively. In this case study, the use of chicken droppings was found to promote efficient and profitable farm management.


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