- タイトル別名
- The influence of appearance and self esteem on choice of a dating partner
- イセイ コウサイ ノ タイショウ センタク ニ オヨボス ガイケンテキ インシ
Male students differing in the degree of their self-esteem rated the impressions of ten female photographs and made a choice of their dating partner. The rating scales included 19 personality and appearance traits, liking scales, and the subjects' fear of rejection. Four factors emerged as a result of a factor analysis of the 19 personality and appearance traits: homeliness, physical attractiveness, liveliness, and individuality. The findings were as follows : (a) liking for females was not only determined by their physical attractiveness but also by their homeliness ; (b) subject's self-esteem did not influence whom they choose as his date ; (c) liking of the high self-esteem subjects (HSE) were influenced more strongly by the physical attractiveness of the female than the low self-esteem subjects (LSE); (d) only the LSE was attracted more to females with high individuality; (e) LSE's liking score was strongly influenced by fear-of-rejection score. These findings suggest that the matching hypothesis should take into account factors other than physical attractiveness, i.e. desirable personality traits judged from the appearance of the other sex and also the self-esteem of the subject.
- 社会心理学研究
社会心理学研究 1 (1), 9-14, 1985
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- 1390282679466673280
- 110002785213
- AN10049127
- 21891338
- 09161503
- 2936680
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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