話し手の方言使用と印象 : コードスイッチの適切さと聞き手の出身地による影響


  • A speaker's use of dialect and its impression : The effects of the appropriateness of code-switching and the listener's birthplace in communication
  • ハナシテ ノ ホウゲン シヨウ ト インショウ コードスイッチ ノ テキセツ サ ト キキテ ノ シュッシンチ ニ ヨル エイキョウ



This study aims to examine the effects of a speaker's use of dialect on the impression given by that person. The experimental conditions were as follows : (1) the speaker used a common language and a dialect with appropriate code-switching according to the situation; (2) the speaker used the same, but with inappropriate code-switching; (3) the speaker consistently used a common language; and (4) the speaker consistently used dialect. The subjects consisted of two hundred and eighty undergraduate students, some of whom were native speakers of the dialect while others were not. The experiment revealed that the impression given by and the interpersonal attractiveness of a speaker who used a common language and a dialect with appropriate code-switching according to the situation were more favorable. On the other hand, the impression given by and the interpersonal attractiveness of a speaker with inappropriate code-switching were less favorable. These results were discussed from the viewpoint of the evaluation of the dialects in Japan.


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