ソウルオリンピックによる外国イメージの変化 : 大学生のパネル調査


  • Changes in National Images due to Seoul Olympic : Panel survey using College students
  • ソウル オリンピック ニ ヨル ガイコク イメージ ノ ヘンカ ダイガクセイ



The purpose of the present study was to investigate (a) changes in images of foreign countries due to "Soeul Olympic Games" and (b) how the changes were correlated with other variables. Ninty-one Japanese undergraduate students responded to questionaires concerning images of ten countries and some valiables three times: (1) just before the Olympic, (2) just after, and (3) three months after. Results were as follows: (a) Subjects held more unfavorable impressions of most countries after the Olympic; (b) Korea and Canada were especially unfavorable; (c) Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe countries did not change as much; (d) Subjects had more unidimentional cognitive structure representing foreign images; (e) Subjects showed self-serving bias, confronted with defeats of own country and victories of others; (f) Authoritarian and low-comlexity persons revealed those biases in particular; (g) Changes in favorability of each country were correlated with various individual-difference indices. The need for research to enrich the merits and to avoid the demerits of the Olympic in image formation was argued.


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