高速道路サービス・エリアにおける「ゴミ捨て行動」の分析 : 「分け捨て行動」の「誘導」をとおして


  • An analysis of trash disposal behavior at a highway service area : means of inducing appropriate separation of trash
  • コウソク ドウロ サービス エリア ニ オケル ゴミ ステ コウドウ ノ ブン



This research is aimed at clarifying the behavior of pedestrians in unfamiliar surroundings, during recreational activities, with particular emphasis on their trash disposal behavior. Primarily, in order to reach the objective, the author attempted to analyze the characteristics of trash disposal behavior at a highway service area. Based on the results, garbage cans were systematically arranged according to the characteristics of trash disposal behavior. This rearrangement resulted in a more effective disposal pattern in which pedestrians' distinguishing between flammable and non-flammable garbage increased, and correct trash can use ratios increased significantly. From the on-going research the author was able to extract the following pedestrian behavioral traits: 1) a tendency towards cleanliness, 2) a tendency to minimize energy, and finally, 3) a tendency to shorten the distance.


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