Information seeking behavior during college student job hunting : Focusing on the impact of various information sources

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  • 大学生の就職活動における情報探索行動 : 情報源の影響に関する検討
  • ダイガクセイ ノ シュウショク カツドウ ニ オケル ジョウホウ タンサク コウドウ ジョウホウゲン ノ エイキョウ ニ カンスル ケントウ

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This study investigated the uses and impacts of information sources, such as web sites, alumni and friends, during college student job hunting. Forty-nine college students (27 males, 22 females) were surveyed longitudinally regarding the information they sought for. This information was categorized into four types: company characteristics, company impression, job hunting methods, and self during job hunting. Results showed that there was a specific information medium that enabled the participants to acquire the required information easily. In particular, participants indicated that the information obtained from alumni was useful, as well as generally fruitful. However, web sites and friends were not particularly effective information sources with regard to obtaining desired results.


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