

  • JSCOOP : Education Program to Produce Innovative Personnel Cooperated with Local Industry


JSCOOP (Job Contents Search with Local Companies Based on Cooperative Education) is the practical subject in National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College (NITN), which aims at producing innovative personnel who have abilities to find problems and solve them. 4th and 5th graders and advanced courses’ students who participate in System Design Education Program in NITN attend this class and visit local companies to interview in order to get information about the target company and investigate current problems in each company. JSCOOP has 2 aspects; career education which enables students to understand the roles and importance of local industry, and practical education which provides students with opportunities to suggest their own ideas to solve practical problems. Cooperating with local companies, JSCOOP continues enhancing practical engineering education, raising innovative mind and bringing about new point of view and flexible collaboration through cross-field cooperation.


  • 工学教育

    工学教育 65 (4), 4_45-4_50, 2017

    公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

