An International Design Engineering School for Enhancing the Synthetic Thinking Ability

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  • 構成的思考力を磨く国際デザインエンジニアリングスクールの実践
  • コウセイテキ シコウリョク オ ミガク コクサイ デザイン エンジニアリング スクール ノ ジッセン

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Synthetic design thinking is needed to create innovative products. We propose an educational method for creative design that can enhance a person’s ability to generate a new products’ concept that are not extensions of existing ones. The method starts with a person coming up with a concept based on ‘intuitive synthesis’ in which the metaphor of a ‘product like a living thing’ is instinctively created; details are confirmed by ‘analyzing and investigating’ the concept’ s characteristics, followed by an ‘experience’ of the product and the scene in which it will be employed using a virtual reality device. Based on this method, a design engineering school was carried out. Students enthusiastically joined this program, and their outcomes were pioneering previously non-existent products.


  • Journal of JSEE

    Journal of JSEE 65 (5), 5_59-5_67, 2017

    Japanese Society for Engineering Education


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