フックの法則に従わない材料の熱応力の基礎式とその応用 (その2)


  • Fundamental Equation of Thermal Stress of Material which doed not obey Hooke's Law and its Application (2nd Report)
  • フックの法則に従わない材料の熱応力の基礎式とその応用-2-
  • フック ノ ホウソク ニ シタガワナイ ザイリョウ ノ ネツ オウリョク ノ キソシキ ト ソノ オウヨウ 2



This is a successive report for the thermal stress which does not obey Hooke's law. At first, the author has derived the fundamental equation under Cartesian co-ordinates and cylindrical ones, using the Dr. Nakagawa's stress and strain relation which was introduced several years ago, that is, ε=a^σ/(a-b^σ)(a+b'^σ), wherein ε is strain, σ stress and a, b, b' coefficients of the material. Then three dimensional problem of the thermal tangential and radial stresses in a thick cylinder has been dealt under the temperature difference between the cylinder walls and the action of hydraulic pressure working on both surfaces. Some numerical examples have been operated.


  • 関西造船協会誌

    関西造船協会誌 100 (0), 44-51, 1960

    公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

