Applicability of the Dilatancy Model to Suspensions in Shear-thinning Medium

  • Ookawara Shinichi
    Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Ogawa Kohei
    Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

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  • 擬塑性流体を分散媒とするサスペンションへのダイラタンシーモデルの適用性
  • ギソセイ リュウタイ オ ブンサンバイ ト スル サスペンション エ ノ ダイラタンシー モデル ノ テキヨウセイ

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The Applicability of the dilatancy model (Ookawara and Ogawa, 2000), which is based on the assumption that momentum flux is increased by particle collision, to suspensions in shear-thinning medium was examined experimentally. Aqueous solutions of 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10 wt% polyacrylamide were prepared as suspending media. It was confirmed that these media showed shear-thinning properties and could be expressed by a power-law model in the shear rate range of 100–1,000 s− 1. The indices of the model were 0.804, 0.759, 0.730, and 0.697, respectively. Suspensions of 10, 20 and 30 vol% polymethylmethacrylate particles, whose average diameter is 7 µm and density is 1,190 kg/m3, were prepared in these media. It was shown that the flow curves of these suspensions approached Newtonian with the increase of particle concentration and power-law model could not be applied. Therefore, the simultaneous application of classical suspension viscosity equation and the dilatancy model to these suspensions was examined. It was shown that a polynomial of degree 2 of the volume fraction and the dilatancy model could predict the flow curves of suspensions from the flow curves of media and particle concentrations.



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