Chemical Equilibrium Analysis of the Decomposition and Synthesis Reaction of Methyl Formate under Conditions of Vapor-liquid Equilibrium.

  • Kuma Hiroshi
    Department of Structural Engineering, Tsukuba University
  • Liu Qiusheng
    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
  • Nakamura Kenji
    Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company
  • Takemura Fumio
    Department of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • Yabe Akira
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial, Science and Technology Department of Structural Engineering, Tsukuba University
  • Kajiyama Shiro
    Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company

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  • 気液平衡条件下における蟻酸メチル分解・合成反応の化学平衡解析
  • キエキ ヘイコウ ジョウケン カ ニ オケル ギサン メチル ブンカイ ゴウセイ ハンノウ ノ カガク ヘイコウ カイセキ

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This research aims to abtain fundamental data with which to develop chemical heat-pump systems utilizing the decomposition and synthesis reaction of methyl formate.<br>Chemical equilibrium analysis of the decomposition and synthesis reaction of methyl formate under vapor-liquid equilibrium was applied to the flow system experimental data. The chemical equilibrium of the decomposition reaction was measured between 0.6 MPa and 1.5 MPa for the temperature range between 283 K and 343 K. The chemical equilibrium of the synthesis reaction was measured between 3.0 MPa and 5.0 MPa for the temperature range between 333 K and 393 K. By comparing the experimental values with the calculated values of chemical equilibrium under vapor-liquid equilibrium, it was found that the decomposition reaction reached equilibrium at about 343 K and the synthesis reaction reached equilibrium at about 393 K.


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