Advanced Energy Conversion Technologies. Recent Research and Development of Combustion Simulation.

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  • 高温エネルギー変換技術  燃焼計算の実際と問題点
  • ネンショウ ケイサン ノ ジッサイ ト モンダイテン

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What we can express about the overall combustion phenomena is summerized by means of numerical simulation. Recent methods on numerical analysis of combustion characteristics are studied for gas, liquid spray, and pulverized coal fuel. Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches for the understanding of two phase flow such as spray and pulverized coal combustion are then compared.<BR>Coal pyrolysis is also described by models based on the molecular structure. Not only a wall function model, but also low Re number model are applied for wall boundary treatment. The following submodels are furthermore shown; LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and k-ε two equation model, reduced combustion scheme for detailed reaction model, radiative heat transfer, soot formation, NO production and drop breakup mechanism of liquid spray.


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