Velocity of Liquid Surface Impinged by Air Jet

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  • 空気噴流衝突域の液面速度
  • クウキ フンリュウ ショウトツイキ ノ エキメン ソクド

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The velocity of liquid surface impinged by an air jet has been investigated experimentally and analytically. The surface velocity in the impinging region was measured by use of the hydrogen bubble method. In the analysis, a laminar boundary layer approximation has been used. Because of the large difference in density between liquid and air, it was assumed that air flows over a flat solid plate instead of on the liquid surface and that liquid is pulled into movement by the shear stress of gas phase acting on the solid surface. The values of surface velocity calculated by using these assumption and the measured pressure distribution on the liquid surface were in good agreement with the measured values. It was also found that the surfactant contained in the air jet plays an important role in the behavior of the liquid surface.


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