Depth estimation of occluded objects for compact compound-eye camera TOMBO

  • KAGAWA Keiichiro
    Graduation School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
  • TANIDA Jun
    Graduation School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University

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  • 小型複眼カメラTOMBOのためのオクルージョンに強い測距法の検討(インタラクティブシステム・画像入力デバイス・方式、及び一般)
  • 小型複眼カメラTOMBOのためのオクルージョンに強い測距法の検討
  • コガタ フクガン カメラ TOMBO ノ タメ ノ オクルージョン ニ ツヨイ ソッキョホウ ノ ケントウ

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TOMBO (Thin Observation Module by Bound Optics) is a compact three-dimensional camera, which is composed of a single image sensor and a micro-lens array. Compound-eye images include depth information of the subjects as disparities. In this paper, an occlusion-tolerant depth estimation method based on an adaptive support-weight approach and camera selection is presented.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 34.22 (0), 5-8, 2010

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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