Retrieving Environmental Smartness with Second-sighted Glasses

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  • Second-sighted Glasses:環境のスマートネスを伝達するメガネ型ユーザインタフェース(ITS画像処理,映像メディア,視覚及び一般)
  • Second-sighted Glasses--環境のスマートネスを伝達するメガネ型ユーザインタフェース
  • Second sighted Glasses カンキョウ ノ スマートネス オ デンタツ スル メガネガタ ユーザインタフェース

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There has been a great effort to create context-aware technology to support user's life. Context-aware technology is useful because it resolves user's demand in prior. However, if it fails to recognize context correctly and controls appliances incorrectly, users may feel uncomfortable about the environment. Context recognition error is currently unavoidable, therefore, notifying the user of what kind of result each context has, is considered to be important in order to ease user's discomfort. In the similar way, it is important to show the smartness of ubiquitous computing environment to people who don't know about the environment. To effectively provide this information to the users, we propose an interface called Second-sighted Glasses, inspired by the movie titled "Next". The glasses shows users the future effects of each action they may take with augmented reality technique.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 35.9 (0), 187-192, 2011

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers


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