The changes of Infra-red absorption spectra by autoclaving on the methacrylamide monomers grafted silk fibers and its applications for the testing of the grafted silk fibers
- Yokohama Agricultural Forestry Products Inspection Institute
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- メタアクリルアミド加工絹糸の湿熱処理による赤外吸収スペクトル変化と判定試験への応用
- メタアクリルアミド カコウ ケンシ ノ シツネツ ショリ ニヨル セキガイ キ
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The increase of detection sensitivity by autoclaving in preparation of specimens, in case of analyzing methacrylamide (MAA) grafted silk fibers by infra-red spectroscopy (KBr disk method), was investigated. Results were as follows;<br>(1) Silk-fibers treated with MAA gives maximum peak at 1205cm-1 absorption band which shows the characteristics of Poly-MAA in an infra-red spectroscopy by KBr disk method grind down the material in an agate mortar for 20 minutes. In case of over 40% grafting rate, the absorption band of 1205cm-1 is evident and effctive for the detection of polymers used in treatment.<br>(2) By autoclaving at 180°C for 40 minutes, MAA grafted silk have a peak at 3450cm-1 absorption band which shows N-H stretching derived from thermal decomposition of Poly-MAA in case of above 3% treatment. When the grafting rate is increased the absorption curve of infra-red spectrum falls down deeper. The peak shifts from at 1205cm-1 to 1220cm-1 on absorption spectrum and the roughly quantitative analysis of grafted silk fibers is possible depending on the change of absorption spectrum.<br>(3) Each Styrene, MMA, HEMA and MAA which are grafted to silk fibers even in low rate, can be detected and distingushed by autoclaving of materials.
- The Journal of Sericultural Science of Japan
The Journal of Sericultural Science of Japan 51 (2), 126-131, 1982
The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science
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- 1390282679504993024
- NII Article ID
- 130004030626
- NII Book ID
- AN00190300
- 1884796X
- 00372455
- 2448710
- Text Lang
- ja
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