Quantitative evaluations of operating accuracy by automultiscopic 3D images : Toward application of automultiscopic 3D images to remote operation of construction machines
- SAKANO Yuichi
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT:CiNet, NICT and Osaka University
- UMATA Ichiro
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT
- IWASAWA Shoichiro
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT
- OKUI Makoto
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT
- INOUE Naomi
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT
- ANDO Hiroshi
- Universal Communication Research Institute, NICT:CiNet, NICT and Osaka University
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- Other Title
- 多視点裸眼立体映像による作業精度の定量的評価 : 建設機械の遠隔操作への多視点裸眼立体映像の適用を目指して(立体映像における人間工学的研究,及び立体映像技術一般)
- 多視点裸眼立体映像による作業精度の定量的評価 : 建設機械の遠隔操作への多視点裸眼立体映像の適用を目指して
- タシテン ラガン リッタイ エイゾウ ニ ヨル サギョウ セイド ノ テイリョウテキ ヒョウカ : ケンセツ キカイ ノ エンカク ソウサ エ ノ タシテン ラガン リッタイ エイゾウ ノ テキヨウ オ メザシテ
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When removing hazardous objects after disasters, remote control of construction machines is used for the safety of the workers. To grasp the field situation, they watch 2D images. In the present study, we hypothesized that the use of automultiscopic 3D images in remote controlling of construction machines would improve the operating accuracy. By using an automultiscopic 3D display, we conducted an experiment in which many visitors to a commercial complex performed a task that is enjoyable but similar to remote controlling of a construction machine. The operating accuracy was higher when using automultiscopic 3D images compared with 2D images. In addition, when using 2D images, the accuracy was highest for male subjects of the estimated ages around thirties and declined markedly with age. In contrast, when using automultiscopic 3D images, effects of the estimated age and sex were limited.
- ITE Technical Report
ITE Technical Report 40.10 (0), 17-20, 2016
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679505798272
- NII Article ID
- 110010044706
- NII Book ID
- AN1059086X
- 24241970
- 13426893
- 027221259
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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