Various Recipe Recommendation Based on Personal Preference and Effective Use of Surplus Ingredients

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  • 余剰食材の有効活用と嗜好に基づく多彩なレシピ推薦(学生研究発表会)
  • 余剰食材の有効活用と嗜好に基づく多彩なレシピ推薦
  • ヨジョウショクザイ ノ ユウコウ カツヨウ ト シコウ ニ モトズク タサイ ナ レシピ スイセン

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Although many recipe search engines are available, few engines recommend user preferable recipes. This paper proposes a various recipe recommendation system based on (1) preferable ingredients, (2) surplus ingredients and (3) cooking categories. Preferable ingredients, which are not used recently, are strongly recommended in (1). Older ingredients are used in (2). Various cooking categories are recommended in (3). Recipes are recommended based on the non-linear combination of them. By using the non-linear combination, we can recommend user preferable recipes.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 36.8 (0), 127-130, 2012

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers


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