Influence of rods to the cone-opponent chromatic mechanisms

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  • 杵体細胞の錐体拮抗型色メカニズムに対する影響(視聴覚の基礎と応用,マルチモーダル,感性情報処理,一般)
  • 杆体細胞の錐体拮抗型色メカニズムに対する影響
  • カンタイサイボウ ノ スイタイ キッコウガタショク メカニズム ニ タイスル エイキョウ

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There are two cone-opponent mechanisms, |M-L| and |L+M-S| cone-opponent mechanisms that contribute to red-green and blue-yellow perception, respectively. At a dim light level in mesopic vision, rods contribute color perception as well as cones. Here we have investigated a contribution of rod signals to the cone-opponent mechanisms. We used a four primary stimulation system that enables independent stimulation to each receptor to control stimulation of the three types of cones and rods. We applied these stimuli for a test stimulus at intense photopic light level and at dim mesopic light level. It was found that rods contribute to |M-L| cone-opponent color signals at the mesopic light level.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 38.46 (0), 5-7, 2014

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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