Flexural Crack Behaviors of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams with Different Bond Performance

  • Tsuji Y.
  • Li C.
    宮崎大学 工学教育研究部
  • Hashimoto C.
    徳島大学大学院 ソシオテクノサイエンス 研究部
  • Suhara K.
    電気化学工業(株) インフラソリューション 開発研究所

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  • PC鋼材の付着性能が異なるPPC梁の曲げひび割れ性状
  • PC コウザイ ノ フチャク セイノウ ガ コトナル PPCリョウ ノ マゲ ヒビワレ セイジョウ

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This paper reports the experimental results obtained for the flexural crack behavior of partially prestressed concrete (PPC) beams manufactured with either the post-tensioning method or the pre-tensioning method. The beams were designed with various compressive strength of 100 N/mm2, 70 N/mm2, and 35 N/mm2. The bond performance between the concrete and the prestressing-steel strands or PC steel bars in post-tensioned PPC beams of various PC grout quality levels, including unbonded grout, and pre-tensioned PPC beams, was found to have a major influence on the flexural crack behavior of PPC beams. Further, with regard to the PPC beams that use high-strength concrete of 100 N/mm2 class, post-tensioned PPC beams filled with high-strength PC grout were found to exhibit more desirable flexural crack behavior than pre-tensioned PPC beams. This paper also touches upon the applicability of the flexural crack width calculation formulas given in the Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.


  • Concrete Journal

    Concrete Journal 53 (6), 542-550, 2015

    Japan Concrete Institute

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