
  • 久保 慧史
    徳島大学 大学院 先端技術科学教育部
  • 福富 純一郎
    徳島大学 大学院 ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部
  • 重光 亨
    徳島大学 大学院 ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部
  • 石岡 竜哉
    徳島大学 大学院 先端技術科学教育部


  • The Influence of Tip Clearance on Performance and Internal Flow Condition of Low Viscous Fluid Food Centrifugal Pump
  • テイネンド リュウタイ ショクヒンヨウ エンシン ポンプ ノ チップクリアランス ガ セイノウ ト ナイブ ナガレ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ



Fluid machineries for fluid food have been used in wide variety of field i.e. transportation, the filling, and improvement of the quality of fluid food. Although, flow conditions of it are quite complicated because fluid food is different from water. Therefore, the design method based on the internal flow conditions is not conducted. In this research, turbo-pump having small number of blade number was used to decrease shear loss and keep wide flow passage. The influence of the tip clearance was investigated by the numerical analysis using the model with and without the tip clearance. In this paper, the influence of the tip clearance on performances and internal flow conditions of turbo-pump using low viscous fluid were clarified by experimental and numerical analysis results. In addition, the design method based on the internal flow was considered. Further, the influences of viscosity on the performance characteristic and internal flow were investigated.


  • ターボ機械

    ターボ機械 40 (10), 577-583, 2012

    一般社団法人 ターボ機械協会

参考文献 (6)*注記


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