Soil Structure Related to Water Content and Permeability of Shear Layer

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  • 含水比による剪断層構造の変化および剪断層の透水性
  • ガンスイヒ ニ ヨル センダンソウ コウゾウ ノ ヘンカ オヨビ センダンソウ ノ トウスイセイ

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Though physical properties of shear layer are much related to water in soil, the relation have not been so much studied. The author studied on soil structures and permeabilities of shear layer with different stages of direct shear test.<BR>(1) The relations between soil structures and water content<BR>The structures of share layers in soil samples with different water contents were examined with X-lay photograph.<BR>Many small shear planes generally gathered to make a shear layer.<BR>In case of optium water content Wopt% or Wopt-10%, the shear layer was formed in thin range along neutral line of soil sample. In case of Wopt+10%, the layer was formed in thick range around the line.<BR>The author consider that the former case suggests the shear layer formed in solid body, the latter case suggests that formed in the body like fluid.<BR>(2) The permeability of shear layer<BR>Permeabilities of the shear layers were measured with different directions.<BR>The permeability parallel to the shear layer was of the order of 10-6cm/sec, and the permeability across that was of the order of 10-7cm/sec.<BR>The author consider that for the above results, ground water is able to permeate very slowly only through landslide layer in clyey landslide area, therefor landslide occurs repeatedly along the same landslide layer by ground water.


  • Landslides

    Landslides 34 (2), 1-8_1, 1997

    The Japan Landslide Society

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