

  • The Role of Oriental Medicine in Comprehensive Medicine
  • ダイ54カイ ゼンニホンシンキュウ ガッカイ ガクジュツ タイカイ フクオカ トクベツ コウエン ゼンジンテキ イリョウ ニ オケル トウヨウ イガク ノ ヤクワリ



Comprehensive medicine incorporates somatic, psychological, social, and existential aspects into a treatment philosophy that treats the whole person rather than simply the disease and its symptoms. Psychosomatic medi-cine has its roots in European medicine that developed with empirical philosophies and was developed into a discipline in the a 19 th century. Psychosomatic medicine is the core of comprehensive medicine.<BR>Oriental medicine has a long history and includes Kampo, acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage. It has many similarities to traditional psychosomatic medicine, with both focusing on body and mind interactions. Examples of therapies used in Japan in addition to the more traditional treatments are fasting therapy, Nikan therapy.<BR>This paper discusses 1. The interactions between stress and psychosomatic dysfunction, 2. Cancer, stress, and personality, 3. Psychosomatic treatment, and 4. The role of Oriental medicine in Psychosomatic treatment.


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