A basic study on the formation of suburban housing estates in the area between Kobe and Osaka

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Other Title
  • 阪神間の住宅地形成に関する基礎的研究(1)
  • 近代日本の大都市郊外住宅地形成過程
  • process of forming suburban housing estates in large cities in modern Japan


The object of this study is to clarify how the area between Kobe and Osaka has been developing as representative housing estates in modern Japan, through consulting many documents and surveying this area. There are some reasons for this area's development as housing estates, First of all it has the most suitable natural conditions : surrounded by hills to its north and Osaka Bay to its south. Secondly transportation services which combined the two cities were supplied earlier in this area. For example a railway service started second in Japan between Kobe and Osaka (1874) and then Hanshin Corporation started its railway service in 1905, next, Hankyu Corporation in 1919. Third these private railway corporations actively planned to develop housing estates along their lines and it contributed greatly to the development of suburban housing estates. In the Taisho era many land readjustment projects. were carried out in Ashiya and Nishinomiya and it promoted supplies of housing estates. Moreover private land developers planned to supply housing estates in present Shukugawa in Nishinomiya and Rokurokuso in Ashiya. Industrialization in large cities brought about air pollution and lowered the quality of the living environment, so people began to pay attention to suburban housing estates, which carried these developments forward but all of them were not always good. As a good example of planning a superior housing estates development in Kansai, a housing exposition was held by the Architectural Association of Japan in the 11th year of the Taisho era (1922) . Stimulated by this Hankyu Corporation, Shin-Itami housing estates (1935) and Mu-konoso housing estates (1937) . were developed. Both of them had good living environment with radiate axes. Sumiyoshi • Mikage district (old Sumiyoshimura • Mikage-cho) between Kobe Osaka was also noticed as residential areas and especially many mansions were built there. Investigating the design of middle class residences in the area between Kobe and Osaka built before the World War II, we noticed a good many of them adopted elements of Japanese style. It shows that people in Kansai think conservatively in building their houses.


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