針刺激と腎機能  ラジオ・アイソトープ・レノグラフィーによる検討


  • Acupuncture and renal function. 1 Assessment by radioisotope renography.
  • ハリ シゲキ ト ジン キノウ ラジオ アイソトープ レノグラフィー ニ ヨル
  • Assessment by Radioisotope Renography
  • ラジオ・アイソトープ・レノグラフィーによる検討



Radioisotope renography, which is a technique for extracorporeal examination of kidney utilizing radionuclides, can provide the data of renal dynamics such as blood flow and excretion of urine about individual kidney. Since this technique allowes simple and noninvasive examination of renal functions, it is now commonly used clinically.<br>The present study was designed to elucidate a relationship between renal function and meridian point by using radioisotope renography. In this paper the effect of acupuncture applied placing-needle wlth low frequency wave to Shenshu (UB-23) of the urinary bladder channel of foot-taiyang on renal function, especially excretion of urine, was observed.<br>It was found that urinary elimination of radioisotope after acupuncture increased, although no marked change was noted on the pattern of renogram curve.


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