Therapeutic effects of diphenidol and betahistine on acute vertigo as determined by the self-assessment of handicap in daily life due to vertigo

  • MATSUDA Kazunori
    Department of Otolaryngology, Japanese Red Cross Kochi Hospital
  • SEKINE Kazunori
    Department of Otolaryngology, University of Tokushima School of Medicine
  • SATO Go
    Department of Otolaryngology, Yashima General Hospital
  • SHIZUKU Haruhiko
    Department of Otolaryngology, Japan Agricultural Kochi Hospital
  • UEMURA Tetsuya
    Department of Otolaryngology, Kochi National Hospital
  • TAKEDA Noriak
    Department of Otolaryngology, University of Tokushima School of Medicine

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 急性期のめまいに対するジフェニドールとベタヒスチンの治療効果
  • - 患者による日常生活の障害の改善から評価した治療効果の比較 -


Diphenidol and betahistine are anti-vertigo medications used for the treatment of vertiginous disorders. In the present study, we compared the therapeutic effects of diphenidol and betahistine on the handicap in daily life due to vertigo in patients with acute vertigo. The administration of diphenidol for four weeks significantly decreased the scores for factor 1: handicap in social activities, factor 2: handicap in head movements, factor 3: handicap in body movements, factor 4: handicap in emotion, factor 5: handicap in human interactions and factor 6: handicap due to discomfort. Because diphenidol has both anti-vertigo and anti-emetic actions, these findings suggested that its administration for four weeks recovered the functional handicap associated with factors 2 and 3 and the discomfort handicap of factor 6, resulting in recovery of the social handicap in factors 1 and 5 and emotional handicap (factor 4) in patients with vertigo. On the other hand, the administration of betahistine for four weeks only significantly decreased the scores of factors 1 and 5. This finding suggested that long-term administration of betahistine may be necessary to recover the other factors associated with handicap in patients with vertigo, because betahistine is reported to gradually accelerate the process of vestibular compensation after the development of vestibular asymmetry.


  • jibi to rinsho

    jibi to rinsho 59 (3), 115-121, 2013-05-20


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