Recent Progress in Ferromagnet/Superconductor Hybrid Structure and its Applications to Cryogenic Computing
- Yamashita Taro
- National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- Terai Hirotaka
- National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
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<p>We review the physical basis of and recent developments in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions with a focus on the π state, which is useful for applications to superconducting devices. Among various novel phenomena that emerge from the interaction between the superconductor and ferromagnet, the π state (junction) works as a phase shifter in superconducting devices, and several proposals and demonstrations of applications to quantum computing elements (qubits), classical superconducting logic circuits, and cryogenic memory have been presented. As a new research trend in superconducting spintronics, we also introduce recent interesting works on the long-range Josephson effect caused by spin-triplet Cooper pairs.</p>
- IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 136 (12), 728-733, 2016
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679574572928
- NII Article ID
- 130005171423
- NII Book ID
- AN10136312
- 13475533
- 03854205
- 027783915
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- OpenAIRE
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