Output Power Leveling of Wind Turbine Generators using Pitch Angle Control for All Operating Regions in Wind Farm
- Senjyu Tomonobu
- University of the Ryukyus
- Sakamoto Ryosei
- University of the Ryukyus
- Urasaki Naomitsu
- University of the Ryukyus
- Funabashi Toshihisa
- Meidensha Corporation
- Fujita Hideki
- Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
- Sekine Hideomi
- University of the Ryukyus
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- Other Title
- ウィンドファームにおける風力発電機の全動作領域に有効なピッチ角制御による出力電力平準化
- ウィンドファーム ニ オケル フウリョク ハツデンキ ノ ゼン ドウサ リョウイキ ニ ユウコウ ナ ピッチカク セイギョ ニ ヨル シュツリョク デンリョク ヘイジュンカ
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Effective utilization of renewable energies such as wind energy is expected instead of the fossil fuel. Wind energy is not constant and windmill output is proportional to the cube of wind speed, which cause the generated power of wind turbine generators (WTGs) to fluctuate. In order to reduce output power fluctuation of wind farm, this paper presents a output power leveling control strategy of wind farm based on both average wind farm output power and standard deviation of wind farm output power, cooperative control strategy for WTGs, and pitch angle control using a generalized predictive controller (GPC) in all operating regions for WTG. The simulation results with using actual detailed model for wind farm systems show effectiveness of the proposed method.
- IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy
IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 125 (12), 1159-1168, 2005
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679579337600
- NII Article ID
- 10017079827
- 10020026651
- 210000176687
- NII Book ID
- AN10136334
- 2005IJTPE.125.1159S
- 13488147
- 15206416
- 03854213
- 04247760
- 7758949
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed