Development of 70, 000 kW Class Low Response Excitation Superconducting Generators

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  • 7万kW級低速応型超電導発電機の開発
  • 7マンkWキュウ テイソクオウガタ チョウデンドウハツデンキ ノ カイハツ

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A Superconducting generator (SCG) is expected to be used as the next generation machines because it has many special merits compared to a conventional machine, e. g. improvement of power system stability, high efficiency, and extension of operable range in leading phase. Super-GM has been promoting R & D of 70, 000 kW class SCG (Model Machine) to establish key technologies required for the design and fabrication of a 200, 000 kW class SCG (Pilot Machine). We commenced the verification test in March 1997, and successfully finished consecutive tests for slow response type machines in September 1998, to verify the outstanding special features. Following are main results;<br> (1) The synchronous reactance is confirmed to be 0.406 pu, which gives us the estimate that Xd can be made 1/3-1/5 that of conventional machines.<br> (2) The efficiency of Model Machine is 98.15%, Which leads to the estimation of that of Pilot Machine (99.08%). This figure enable us to obtain approximately 0.6% improvement of the efficiency in generator unit compared to the conventional (the refrigeration cost is not included).<br> (3) It is verified that leading phase operation of nominal rating is possible, which implies that the leading phase operation capacity of SCG can be doubled.


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