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  • Decentralized Exciter Stabilizing Control for Multi-Machine Power Systems
  • タキ デンリョク システム ノ ブンサンガタ レイジケイ アンテイカ セイギョ



In this paper, a systematic approach to design controllers based on H-infinity theory for multi-machine power system is presented.<br> Generally, a centralized control scheme is difficult for a large-scale interconnected power system because of the obtaining of information of the whole system, computation times and so on. In order to cope with these problems, two decentralized control schemes are proposed.<br> One is based on the decomposition of information. The feedback gains for the whole system is obtained and after decomposing the gains into sub-blocks for each area, the diagonal block is used to design the controller for each generator.<br> The other is based on the area decompositions. Decomposing the original system into blocks for each area carries out the procedure and the local feedback gain is obtained using information for each decomposed system.<br> Furthermore, to improve robustness of the system, an effective weighting matrix design, which remarks the allocation of eigenvalues, is also proposed.<br> Several simulation tests show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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