Recognition of Complicated and Indistinct Human Motion

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  • 複雑で曖昧な人の動きの定量化技術
  • 特集解説 複雑で曖昧な人の動きの定量化技術
  • トクシュウ カイセツ フクザツ デ アイマイナ ヒト ノ ウゴキ ノ テイリョウカ ギジュツ

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As well known, human sensing is useful for our life. But, the development of the human sensing system is not easy, because the shape and the movement of human are complicated and Indistinct; the environment of obtaining image is not always constant and so on. We have developed some methods of identifying individuals using facial image, counting passing people, observing of human behave and so on. In this paper, human sensing and its applications are introduced. In addition, examples of application are shown.



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