Spatial Resolution and Accuracy Evaluation of CT Tunable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy

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  • CT 半導体レーザ吸収法の空間分解能及び精度評価
  • CT ハンドウタイ レーザ キュウシュウホウ ノ クウカン ブンカイノウ オヨビ セイド ヒョウカ

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Two dimensional temperature and concentration measurement technology using computed tomography-tunable diode laser spectroscopy (CT-TDLAS) has been evaluated theoretically and experimentally in terms of the special resolution and measurement accuracies. 2D temperature and concentration measurement characteristics were evaluated by H2O and CH4 absorption spectra. There were several key parameters to determine the special resolution and measurement accuracies of CT-TDLAS. The molecular database used to determine 2D concentration and temperature was one of them and it was shown that the revision of these spectroscopic data to match the measurement results leaded to better measurement accuracies of concentration and temperature. The CT algorism to control the spatial fluctuation frequency of concentration and temperature was also important to prevent spurious solutions by the inverse analysis.


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