New Method for Dissimilar Metals Joining of Steel Sheet and Aluminum Alloy Using Resistance Spot Welding and Dimple Shape, Dimple Spot Welding (DSW)

  • Hashimura Toru
    ㈱神戸製鋼所 自動車ソリューションセンター
  • Katsuma Hideto
    ㈱神戸製鋼所 自動車ソリューションセンター
  • Iwaya Jiro
    ㈱神戸製鋼所 鉄鋼事業部門薄板商品技術部

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In order to advance multi-materialization of automotive body structure, we developed a new dissimilar metal joining method of steel and aluminum alloy sheet named Dimple Spot Welding (DSW). DSW has a laminated structure of Fe-Al-Fe, and is a welding method of dimple and backing plate. As a result of tensile shear tests and cross tensile tests using steel and aluminum specimens joined by DSW, the following results were found out: 1) Joining strength of DSW depends on combination of dimple height of steel sheet, and hole diameter of aluminum alloy sheet. 2) Bonding strength of DSW was equal to or higher than that of conventional mechanical joining methods such as SPR, FDS®, Clinching, and so on.


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