Evaluation of Newly Developed Oxygen Meters with Multi-Channels and Disposable Oxygen Electrode Sensors for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

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  • Kitahara Takashi
    Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Koyama Nao
    Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Matsuda Junichi
    Department of Laboratory Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Hirakata Yoichi
    Department of Laboratory Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Kamihira Shimeru
    Department of Laboratory Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Kohno Shigeru
    Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Nakashima Mikiro
    Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • Sasaki Hitoshi
    Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Nagasaki University School of Medicine



The objective of this study was to investigate the applicability of new oxygen meters with multi-channels and disposable oxygen electrode sensors (DOX-96) on the antimicrobial susceptibility testing of clinical bacterial isolates. The oxygen amount in the wells of 96-well plates was converted into current through electrodes. Bacterial inoculation decreased the oxygen amount in the wells because viable bacteria consume the oxygen. On the other hand, a failure of bacteria to consume oxygen was observed in the presence of potent antimicrobial agents, representing a serious arrest of bacterial metabolism usually leading to stasis or death. Based on these results, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by DOX-96 (MICdox). The MICdox showed good agreement with MIC measured by the standard broth microdilution method (98.2%). DOX-96 was also useful for turbid samples such as Mueller-Hinton broth containing 0.1% lipid emulsion. The MICdox in turbid samples showed good agreement with those in clear samples (100.0%). These results indicate that the newly developed DOX-96 is very useful in antimicrobial susceptibility testing even in turbid clinical samples such as colloidal products and turbid biological components.


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