科学技術政策分科会の活動のこれまでとこれから : 理論と実践の知識が廻る場へ(<特集>分科会・支部の活動)


  • Towards an Enhanced Expert-Supported Policy System : Past, present and future activities of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Group(ACTIVITIE OF GROUP AND KANSAI BRANCH)
  • 科学技術政策分科会の活動のこれまでとこれから--理論と実践の知識が廻る場へ
  • カガク ギジュツ セイサク ブンカカイ ノ カツドウ ノ コレマデ ト コレカラ リロン ト ジッセン ノ チシキ ガ メグル バ エ



This paper introduces the objectives and activities of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Group (STIPG), which is a division composed of 124 registered members in the JSSPRM. The domain of the STIPG includes the science, technology and innovation (STI) policies in Japan as well as those in foreign countries that could be of interest in terms of the comparative studies. The STIPG was established in 1986 just after the foundation of the society and was reorganized into the current direction in 1999. Since then, two series of research meetings have been held: a "key person series" consisting of the meetings where principal officials in the STI policy formation and execution institutions are invited to speak and a "watcher network series" consisting of the meetings that aim at networking of the investigators on the STI policies and systems of the foreign countries in our STI community. In the current situation, such as the segmentation of the policy businesses and the specialization of the research topics, it is important to communicate between the policy makers and the researchers beyond their routine businesses and to have a comprehensive view on the STI system. Also, it is critical to be well informed even about the natures and characteristics of the foreign countries and regions in order to have a proper understanding of those STI systems and to implement them into the Japanese systems. To fulfill those functions, the STIPG intends to be a common place for sharing information on the STI policy systems and state of affairs and the emerging and probable issues in the STI policy community. In the knowledge-based society, the STIPG is also expected to form still a "place of circulating and interacting profound and logical knowledge on theories and practices" on the STI policies in future. Finally, some proposals on the division system of the society are also raised.


  • 研究 技術 計画

    研究 技術 計画 20 (4), 265-273, 2006


参考文献 (4)*注記


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