Discriminant Factors of Functional Recovery in Stroke Patients

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  • 脳血管障害患者の機能回復過程の判別に 関連する要因の検討
  • ノウケッカン ショウガイ カンジャ ノ キノウ カイフク カテイ ノ ハンベツ ニ カンレン スル ヨウイン ノ ケントウ

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The purposes of this study were to categorize the functional recovery process of stroke patients, to examine factors relating to the category, and to elucidate the characteristics of each categorized group. Subjects were 131 hemiplegic patients after stroke. The factors affecting the duration of recovery were the initial value of Motor Age (MOA), the duration from the onset to admission, and intellectual deterioration. Subjects who required long time for recovery of MOA were characterized by the low initial value of MOA, short duration from the onset to admission, and no intellectual deterioration. The factors affecting Manual Function Score (MFS) were the initial value of MFS and age. Subjects who required long time for recovery of MFS were featured by the low initial value of MFS and ages of their fifties and seventies. The factors affecting Barthel Index (BI) were the initial value of BI, age and duration from the onset to admission. Subjects who required long time for recovery of BI were characterized by the low initial value of BI, long duration from the onset to admission, and age under 60.<br>


  • Rigakuryoho Kagaku

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku 17 (1), 43-48, 2002

    The Society of Physical Therapy Science

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