Effects of Observing Different Portions of the Reach-to-Grasp Movement on Neural Activation: an Electroencephalography Study

  • KUSABA Masahiko
    Department of Rehabilitation, Fujiikai Rehabilitation Hospital Department of Neurorehabilitation, Graduate School of Health Science, Kio University
  • OSUMI Michihiro
    Department of Neurorehabilitation, Graduate School of Health Science, Kio University Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Center, Setsunan General Hospital
  • NAKANO Hideki
    Department of Neurorehabilitation, Graduate School of Health Science, Kio University Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Center, Setsunan General Hospital
  • KODAMA Takayuki
    Department of Physical Therapy, Fukuoka Wajiro Rehabilitation College Cognitive and Molecular Research Institute of Brain Diseases, Kurume University
    Department of Neurorehabilitation, Graduate School of Health Science, Kio University

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[Purpose] In this study, we examined the effects of observing different parts of the reach-to-grasp movement on neural activation using electroencephalography. [Subjects] The subjects were 12 right-handed, healthy adults. [Methods] The subjects were instructed to observe the entire reach-to-grasp movement, only the proximal part of the reach-to-grasp movement, or only the distal part of the reach-to-grasp movement. We studied the effect on mu suppression of observation of the reach-to-grasp movement, and compared it with the baselines values. [Results] First, our results showed that for all conditions, the log ratio of mu power at the C3 and C4 regions while observing the reach-to-grasp movement was significantly lower than the baseline values. Second, our results showed that the log ratio of mu power when the subjects observed the entire reach-to-grasp movement was significantly lower thay when they observed only the proximal part or only the distal part of the reach-to-grasp movement. [Conclusion] Observing the entire reach-to-grasp movement was more effective at activating mirror neurons than observing only the proximal part or only the distal part of the reach-to-grasp movement.<br>


  • Rigakuryoho Kagaku

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku 27 (5), 521-524, 2012

    The Society of Physical Therapy Science


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