Automatic Encoding Processes in Memory for Spatial Location in Adolescents with Mental Retardation : Memory Processes and Individual Differences

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  • 精神遅滞児における空間的位置記憶の自動的符号化に関する検討 : 記憶過程と個体間差要因について
  • セイシン チタイジ ニ オケル クウカンテキ イチ キオク ノ ジドウテキ フ

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The purpose of the present study was to analyze automatic encoding processes and individual differences in spatial location memory among adolescents with mental retardation. In Experiment 1, we compared item recognition with memory for spatial location in an incidental learning condition. The results showed that automatic encoding processes in memory for spatial location are related to the memory trace of the items. Individual differences in performance in memory for spatial location showed that the study participants' results could be classified into two categories: related or not related to the memory trace of the items. In Experiment 2, we compared item recognition with memory for spatial location in a learning condition allowing for conscious processing. The results showed that in the condition in which encoding of memory for spatial location was instructed, one group of participants improved in memory for spatial location, and one group did not, even though instructed. These findings about individual differences in memory for spatial location were considered in relation to processing resources and attention capacity in automatic and conscious encoding processes.


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