Digital Current Control Method of Induction Motor Using Synchronous Current Detection with PWM Signal.
- Yamamoto Yasuhiro
- Meidensha Corporation
- Kodama Takashi
- Meidensha Corporation
- Yamada Tetsuo
- Meidensha Corporation
- Ichioka Tadashi
- Meidensha Corporation
- Niwa Tohru
- Meidensha Corporation
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- PMW同期電流サンプルによる誘導電動機のディジタル電流制御法
- PWM ドウキ デンリュウ サンプル ニ ヨル ユウドウ デンドウキ ノ ディ
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This paper proposes a fully digital current control method with DSP for the vector control of the induction motor.<br>First, we present a new dead time compensation circuit, whch makes the delay time between the PWM signal and the actual output voltage constant. Therefore, the synchronous current sampling with the PWM signal can detect the accurate fundamental frequency component from the ripply current.<br>Moreover, we discuss the current regulator which improves the response of the primary current and compensates the parameters deviation of the motor. And, we show that this control system is possible to get the quick response and the low current ripple in spite of the slow sampling rate by the experimental results.
- IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 112 (7), 613-622, 1992
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679632323328
- NII Article ID
- 130000960169
- NII Book ID
- AN10012320
- 13488163
- 09136339
- 3782783
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed