

  • Spectrophotometric determination of tin in iron and steel by oxinate extraction method
  • オキシンエン チュウシュツホウ ニ ヨル テッコウ チュウ ノ スズ ノ キュウコウ コウド テイリョウ



The method of extraction of tin-oxine complex with organic solvent and of spectrophotometric determination of tin as described by Gentry et al. has been applied for the estimation of tin in iron and steel. In this case, it was necessary to remove iron and other disturbing completely prior to the determination. This was done by a combined use of a precipitation method by manganese dioxide and an extraction method using MIBK. The sample of iron or steel was decomposed with nitric acid. This was boiled with potassium permanganate solution, the tin was coprecipitated with manganese dioxide for separation from larger parts of iron. The precipitate was dissolved by boiling in hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide, and the excessive hydrogen peroxide was driven off. A small amount of iron in the solution was reduced with ascorbic acid and the tin was then extracted with MIBK for a complete separation from iron. It was then converted into tin-oxine complex and estimated by measuring the light absorbancy at 390 mμ.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 9 (10), 858-861, 1960

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会


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