

  • An Experimental Study for Frosting Phenomena on Heat Transfer Surface with Fins
  • フィン ツキ デンネツメン ジョウ デ ノ チャクソウ ゲンショウ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ



An experimental study of the frosting phenomena on the surface of heat exchanger was carried out to obtain the detailed data necessary for developing a high efficient heat exchanger under dry and frosting conditions. The frosting experiment using a fin bundle, which consisted of total 40 copper fins, was performed in 6 test conditions considered air humidity, temperature of heat transfer surface and air velocity as main experimental parameters. The overall heat and mass transfer characteristics such as total frost mass, averaged mass flux, pressure drop, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, and the local heat transfer characteristics of each fin were investigated. It was found that total frost mass increased with time in all test conditions, and averaged frosting rate and averaged mass flux gradually decreased with time after increasing for the early time period of 0-30minutes. Pressure drop between inlet and outlet of test section also increased with operation time due to narrowing of the cross sectional area between fins by frost deposited. The averaged value of sensible heat flux during each test period was nearly kept constant owing to the same airflow rate, but latent heat flux gradually decreased with running time. It was also found that local heat flux was most large at the fin base, and decreased step by step toward the fin tip.


参考文献 (10)*注記


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