Radiometric Cross Calibration of AVNIR-2 and MODIS Using Directional Functions of Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance
- MURAKAMI Hiroshi
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
- TADONO Takeo
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
- SHIMADA Masanobu
- Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
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- Other Title
- 大気上端反射率の方向性関数を用いたAVNIR-2とMODISの相互輝度校正
- タイキ ジョウタン ハンシャリツ ノ ホウコウセイ カンスウ オ モチイタ AVNIR 2 ト MODIS ノ ソウゴ キド コウセイ
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An effective cross-calibration scheme is proposed and used for evaluation of AVNIR-2 radiometric accuracy. The scheme uses top-of-atmosphere reflectance functions of satellite zenith angle at each sample point. Each function was made using MODIS 500 m observations at temporally and spatially stable ground sites over 16 days which includes an AVNIR-2 observation date. As the result, radiances of AVNIR-2 channels 1 (463 nm), 2 (560 nm) and 3 (652 nm) agreed well to the radiances of Aqua and Terra MODIS channels 3 (466 nm), 4 (554 nm) and 1 (646 nm) respectively within 5% accuracy. AVNIR-2 Channel 4 (821 nm) radiance was evaluated lower than that of MODIS channel 2 (856 nm) about 15% on average. If we considered influences of atmospheric absorption and spectral slope of the ground sites, the AVNIR-2 channel-4 difference against MODIS was estimated to be lass than half of the 15%. This cross-calibration scheme among similar orbit satellite sensors can provide many samples which enable us to analyze sensor response dependency on different observation conditions such as sensor-pointing angles.
- Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan 27 (4), 354-362, 2007
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679643534336
- NII Article ID
- 10019952972
- NII Book ID
- AN10035665
- 18831184
- 02897911
- 8957550
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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