Molar size of two fossil Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia) from the middle Pleistocene deposit of Ando Quarry in Honshu, Japan.


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  • 中期更新世産アカネズミ属2種の大きゅう歯の大きさ


We examined 898 isolated molars of murid rodents from the middle Pleistocene deposit of Ando Quarry in Mine City, Honshu, Japan. Fossil molars were apparently divided into two species of Apodemus by its size except M3. Larger (L-type) and smaller (S-type) species of the fossils were thought to have close relations to living A. speciosus and A. argenteus, respectively. Dental parameters, which indicate size (MD, BL and REC) and shape (BL/MD index) of teeth, were used for comparisons between the molars of fossil and living species. Living species used in this study were collected in Mine City. It was found that L-type and S-type molars of fossils were generally smaller than those of living A. speciosus and A. argenteus, respectively. MDs of M1 in L-type and S-type were exceptionally larger than those in the living equivalents. The molars of two fossil species were generally slimmer than those of living species by shape comparisons using BL/MD index. These results suggestthat L-type and S-type of the fossils are not necessarily the same species as living A. speciosus and A. argenteus, respectively.


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