Development of conical teeth and comb-like teeth in hatchery reared ayu, <I>Plecoglossus altivelis</I>

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  • 人工ふ化稚アユ,Plecoglossus altivelis,の口部歯系の発達について


It is well known that a change occurs in the type of dentition of the jaws from conical teeth to comb-like teeth during young stage in ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis (Matsui, 1938; Chapman, 1941; Suehiro, 1942; Iwai, 1962). This paper is a report on the development and growth of conical teeth and comb-like teeth during juvenile and young stage in hatchery reared ayu.<BR>The first indication of conical teeth on the suprabasal bone, mesopterygoid and glossohyal was observed in 70 day old specimens, and on vomer, palatine and dentary when the fishbecame about 30mm in standard length (SL), 100 day old. When the ayu became 40-50mm SL, 130 day old, the conical teeth began to shed from the vomer, palatine and dentary. The primordia of comb-like teeth were identifiable as solid masses of invaginated epidermal cells lying on the outer layer of the dentaries, maxillaries and premaxillaries in about 30mm SL, 70 day old. And, a thin stratum of dentine was differentiated between the ectodermal columnar cells and the odontoblast in 26-30mm, SL, 100 day old. Eruption of comb-like teeth occured in 40-50mm SL, 130 day old. The present findings suggest that the formation of conical teeth and comb-like teeth are associated with the age rather than with the body length in ayu.


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