

  • Overall research on caries prevention and retardation of caries in children
  • he cariesa ctivitnya ture testf or childrenb etween kindergartena nd juniorh igh school students
  • 幼稚園児から中学生までの齲蝕活動性試験



We conducted overall research on the prevention and control of the progress of caries in children. The subjects of this study were children from 1 to 15 years of age. We conducted this study from June to October of 1999. We distributed the Cariostat®, Mucount®, dental examination forms and questionnaries among the departments of pediatric densitry at 29 colleges and universities in Japan. We also studied the content of oral examinations, the caries activity tests and the individual questionnarire surveys. Base on the result we conducted a statistical study on the subjects, especially on those in the survey ranging from kindergartner to junior high school students. We obtained the following conclusions.<BR>1. There was a significant relationship in individual basis regarding Mucount®, CSI and Cariostat®, showing that these can be used for mesuring the actual state of the oral cavity, in other words the caries activity in the mouth.<BR>2. Life style and social environment affected the risk of caries.<BR>3. The awareness and knowledge of the children and parents were high, but not sufficient to be of actual use in individual basis.<BR>4. We need methods that we can actually use for the prevention of caries.


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