Effects of Chemical Zona Pellucida Thinning with Pronase on the Development of Bovine Embryos

  • TANIYAMA Atsushi
    Nagasaki Agricultural and Forestry Technical Development Center The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University
  • NISHINO Youji
    Nishino Animal Hospital
  • INOUE Tetsurou
    Nagasaki Agricultural and Forestry Technical Development Center
  • TAURA Yasuho
    The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University
  • TAKAGI Mitsuhiro
    The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University
  • OTOI Takeshige
    The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University
  • SATO Masumi
    National Institute of Animal Health, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • KUBOTA Chikara
    The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University

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  • プロナーゼを用いた透明帯菲薄化処理が牛胚の発育及び受胎率に及ぼす影響
  • プロナーゼ オ モチイタ トウメイタイヒハクカ ショリ ガ ギュウハイ ノ ハツイク オヨビ ジュタイリツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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In bovine embryos, the effect of assisted hatching (AH) processing using pronase, which is a protein-splitting enzyme, was verified for the purpose of improving the pregnancy rate. As a result, in the culture examination using morulae produced by in vitro fertilization, it was confirmed that pronase treatment did not have a negative influence on blastocyst development, and that it also significantly improved the hatching rate of embryos in examinations of both fresh and frozen-thawed embryos. Furthermore, in the embryo transfer examination using embryos recovered from superovulated Japanese Black donors, it was suggested that pronase treatment possibly improves the pregnancy rate following the transfer of poor-quality fresh embryos. In conclusion, AH processing using pronase is a simple method that does not require special equipment or technology for on-farm application, and it is an effective method of improving the pregnancy rate of poor-quality fresh embryos.



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